Who are Label Breakers?

People Who Turn Obstacles into Opportunity

  • You have dreams!

    Do you ever feel like people underestimate what you can do?

  • Do you feel like an imposter?

    Do you ever wish you could do more, but don’t feel you have the ability?

  • Become a Label Breaker

    You can change the way the world sees you and how you see yourself.

More About The Label Breaker Program

Week 1

Names - The power of words and how they shape our past, present, and future.

Who we have been does not dictate who we will become. This week we will explore the origins of identity: how it's shaped and how we can change where we are going in life.
Week 1

Week 2

Labels - A trap leading us in the wrong direction.

Throughout our lives we are assigned labels by friends, enemies, and ourselves. If we allow them too, they will steer us in the wrong direction. But you have a choice.
Week 2

Week 3

Stories - At the heart of our identity are the stories we use to explain where we are, how we got there, and where we're going.

For every wound we have, we have a story. These stories serve to guide us through life, safely. While these stories have good intentions, they sometimes take us in the wrong direction, keeping us from living a fulfilled life. This week, we start moving in the right direction.
Week 3

Week 4

Finding Your Voice - As we claim our true identity, we will once again find our voices.

Once we shed the names and labels of our past, we are able to live in freedom. This freedom allows us to find our true voice again and create the future we want.
Week 4

Week 5

Living in Freedom - How to live without the labels of your past.

Live confidently in your new identity. This week we'll discuss how to maintain your voice and identity when you are faced with obstacles and opposition.
Week 5

It's More Than Just A Course!

You will also receive...

  • Unlimited Access to Training

    You will have unlimited access to the nine modules of Label Breakers, the guidebook, and Label Breaker the community. You'll also benefit from future updates to this course.

  • Community

    Access to a private Facebook group where you can exchange wins, ideas, and insights as you go through the material. There will be additional coaching opportunities through this group in addition to what you learn here.

  • 5 One-on-one Coaching Calls

    Meet one-on-one for a personalized experience as you go through the Label Breaker program. This tailor made program will fit your specific needs and the impact you want to have in the future.

Label Breakers

The Secret to Shedding Labels and Discovering Your True Identity

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • How to use this Course
    • Welcome to Label Breakers
    • How Label Breakers Will Work
    • Before we begin...
    • Label Breakers Guidebook: Modules 1-9
  • 2
    Module 1 - Introductions
    • An introduction - A little about me
    • Join the Facebook Group
    • Chapter 1 of Your Secret Name
    • Label Breaker Pre-Survey
    • Schedule Your One on One Coaching Call
  • 3
    Module 2 - Mindset
    • Please watch this video to get you into the Label Breaker mindset
    • Video Review
    • Label Breaker Mission
    • Label Breaker Manifesto
  • 4
    Module 3 - Learning to believe in yourself
    • Thermometers and Thermostats
    • How do you see yourself?
    • What is your self-image set point?
    • Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment
    • What labels have you been given?
    • Review Self-Image Set Point
  • 5
    Module 4 - History of Names
    • History and Background of Names
    • The Lion King (Available in guidebook)
    • Review - The Lion King and Adam and Eve (Available in guidebook)
    • Modern Use of Names
    • Review Questions (Available in guidebook)
    • Review of Names
  • 6
    Module 5 - Careers, Relationships, and Identity
    • Careers and Relationships
    • Review Questions
    • Robert Rosenthal and the Pygmalion Effect
    • Review Questions
    • Comparison
    • Review Questions
  • 7
    Module 6 - The White Stone
    • Facing Our Problems
    • Review Questions
    • The Area Of Our Deepest Wound
    • Review Questions
    • The Tradition of The White Stone
  • 8
    Module 7 - The Angry Letter
    • The Angry Letter
    • Review Questions
    • Kary’s Oberbrunner – Trusting God’s Plan
    • Write Your Angry Letter
    • Write Your Angry Letter
  • 9
    Module 8 - What's in a Name?
    • How I Found my own Name
    • Inventory of Names
    • No Longer List
  • 10
    Module 9 - Maintaining Momentum
    • Living with New Labels
  • 11
    Next steps
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...